Zelda Fichandler: A Tribute
Zelda Fichandler, a powerhouse of the performing arts and co-founder of Washington, D.C.’s Arena Stage, passed away on July 29, 2016 at the age of 91. She leaves behind a legacy of innovation, intellect, and passion that transcends any single article or tribute to her memory. Her fingerprints cover the width and breadth of the Arena Stage, its organizational records, and the lives of the people she helped along the way. Zelda’s personality can be found her notes, the papers she authored, and the direction she provided for one of the most successful non-profit theaters of all time. Her influence on the Arena Stage is utterly indelible; she set the tempo for the entire enterprise, pushing for social change through artistic expression, and succeeding in building an organization whose alumni include James Earl Jones, Ron Pearlman, Jane Alexander, Morgan Freeman, and countless other performers. Her influence on the running of the organization can be seen in her correspondence with not only actors and actresses, but architects, investors, and authors. Zelda’s sass and utter professionalism can be seen in her interactions with everyone from actors and directors, to big name investors and politicos responsible for funding the arts and humanities. Zelda pushed herself in an era when women were not expected to rise above men. She directed, acted, and organized; her ideas and drive built the District’s first integrated theater, and created the regional theater movement. Zelda may have left us behind, but her legacy can never be erased, and George Mason University is privileged to house her papers and those of Arena Stage. The photographs below from the Arena Stage Records are just a small sampling of our favorite images of Zelda. |

Zelda Fichandler (middle) is shown here with Arena Co-Founder, Edward Mangum, on the left and member of Arena's Board of Directors, Albert Berkowitz on the right. This photograph was taken in 1950. Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 633, Folder 22.

Zelda and an unidentified woman are shown here standing in front of an audeince at the Hippodrome Theatre before a performance.This photograph is from the early 1950s. Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 633, Folder 01.

Zelda is shown here with Lester Rawlins in 1950. They were featured in Arena's production of Pygmalion. Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 635, Folder 17.

Zelda and Arena employee Bob Johnson are shown here moving set items and props from Arena's former location, the Old Vat Theatre, to its new location in 1961. Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 635, Folder 14.

In this photograph, Zelda is shown while part of a presentation from Arena Stage President, J. Burke Knapp during Arena's 15th Anniversary celebration in 1964, Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 636, Folder 04.

Zelda is shown here breaking ground at the dedication of the new Kreeger Theatrein 1969.Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 633, Folder 11.

Here, Zelda is shown giving instructions to an actor while directing Ed Albee's A Delicate Balance. Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 636, Folder 05.

In 1975 Zelda was named one of several International Women of the Year. In this photograph she is presented the award by President Gerald Ford and First Lady, Betty Ford in the Oval Office. Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 704, Folder 01.

In this photograph Zelda and Thomas Fichandler speak with Senator Walter Mondale and wife Joan at the opening of the 1985 Arena Stage season. Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 637, Folder 09.

Arena Stage toured Israel in 1987. Here Zelda takes a break from her hectic schedule to take in some sightseeing. Arena Stage Records #C0017 Container 12.