Zelda Fichandler Speakers Event
Thursday, September 19, 2024
5:45 - 7:45 p.m.
Fenwick Library
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Zelda Fichandler is known for her leadership and innovation as a director and theater educator during the mid-20th century. As one of the founders and first artistic director of Washington, D.C.’s Arena Stage, Fichandler helped redefine and significantly expand the reputation and work of regional theater across the country. Authors Mary Robinson and Todd London, both experienced in working in and writing about theater, will treat guests to an engaging conversation about Fichandler, the theater, and their research and discoveries. The George Mason University Special Collections Research Center will include a display of some materials used by the authors in their research for the two publications.
Link to register: https://alumni.gmu.edu/s/1564/GID2/16/interior-1colb.aspx?sid=1564&gid=2&pgid=8331&content_id=14587